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20 May 2019

Will cry during pregnancy affect your baby?

Will cry during pregnancy affect your baby?

It may sound strange, but everything you do during pregnancy affects your baby. Crying during pregnancy affects the fetus. 
Pregnant women are very sensitive to external factors. During pregnancy, it may habitually cry. Maternal care can be anxious because everything in the mother affects the fetus. Let's see how it affects your baby if you cry during pregnancy today.
You may not believe it, but crying is actually good for your health. Stress is relieved, a sense of well-being is produced, and toxins are also released. If you cry, you have a solution to a problem and you feel better. In this article, I try to tell you how it affects your baby especially when you cry during pregnancy.

Why do I get tears so often during pregnancy?

I try to explain one of the most common reasons for tears during pregnancy.

Chronic fatigue
Morning sickness, hormonal changes, hunger, sleeping, pregnant women are always tired. I am tired and want to cry because there is no energy to do everyday life.

Hormonal change
During pregnancy, hormone changes. Hormonal changes are more prominent on the 6th and 10th weeks of pregnancy, just before childbirth. Hormonal changes can affect brain chemistry and cause mood changes. 

Anxiety and fear
When I think about the difficulties baby faces, I get tears. No mother seems to care about whether the baby will grow up without being miscarried.

In addition, the mother is fat and her hands and feet are swollen, which makes her nervous. If you do not see your husband as a woman anymore, you may be worried about what to do. The physical change of the mother means that the fetus is growing well, but it can be a problem for the mother.

Problem with husband
When you get pregnant, life turns 180 degrees. Pregnancy means the beginning of a life that is never easy, and there is a conflict . Not only do we have to make a lot of decisions, but also mood changes are getting worse, and if we think about life in the future, it becomes a complex feeling.

Pregnancy is a blessing, but it is responsible for it. I would like to cry even when this happens.

How will crying during pregnancy affect the fetus?
For the reasons described so far, crying is an extremely normal and natural reaction. However, if you are stressed or depressed and cry or remain unwell, it is harmful to fetal growth.

Fetal brain development
Maternal depression affects the fetal neuroendocrine system. The neuroendocrine system is associated with moods, emotions, and stress responses, and the risk of mental illness in the fetus also increases.

Premature or miscarriage
If you cry uneasily, your blood flow will decrease. Then the nutrients needed by the fetus are not transmitted properly. This may cause respiratory problems or fetal weight may be lower than the normal range. In the worst case, it could be premature birth or miscarriage.

Baby's personality
If the mother cries under stress, cortisol levels increase, and the placenta is affected by it. The placenta protects the fetus from cortisol, which can lead to inadequate protection of the fetus due to stress.

This can lead to mental illness such as hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder in the child.

Slow growth
If the mother is sad and weeps or keeps mourning, the fetus grows slowly. It is because a baby can recognize her mood even when she is in her mother's abdomen. 

How to help prevent crying during pregnancy
Exercising, resting well and eating healthy foods can help control the stress and sadness you have to live and experience. Participating in yoga classes and meditating on pregnant mothers also calms the mind and helps relieve stress.

Let's not be too busy. If you have a lot of responsibilities, you can not help but get stressed. When you are under a lot of stress, think hard about what you are stressing and try to avoid it as much as possible.

It is also a good way to talk about feelings with your husband, family, or friends. This will allow the nearest people to better understand us as a mother and receive the necessary help.

It is good to participate in pregnant women class. You can learn what to do as a mother , meet people in the same situation and share experiences and concerns.

Pregnancy is a blessing. It will be filled with love and happiness.

Remember that the mother and the baby are connected, and try to do something good for themselves and for the baby . Let us not let anything that is not important affect the baby and our happiness.

And if you have tried all the methods and you still have tears, let's get a consultation. A psychotherapist or counselor will guide you in helping you control your feelings.

1 comment:

  1. With the help of a man called Dr.Ogbes I was able to get pregnant. I'm 56years of age, it was really difficult for me to pregnant though my husband loves me but it was really hurting me not having my own child but after many years I came across Dr.Ogbes whose email address is or you reach him direct on his cell phone number +2347050270227 he told me he is going to send me a Herbs for me to drink, and will fall pregnant a week after drinking the Herbs I'm 7months pregnant now and also I will like to advice everyone looking for help to get pregnant to contact this very man via his email address at or call him on his cell phone number +2347050270227.
