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24 May 2019

10 Exercises Without Additional Weight To Train The Whole Body

10 Exercises Without Additional Weight To Train The Whole Body

10 Exercises Without Additional Weight To Train The Whole Body

To maintain your body at the proper level and to charge with energy for the whole day, it is enough to perform just a few exercises designed for all muscle groups.
As we have written more than once, it is not at all necessary to buy a gym membership for quality sports. To maintain your body at the proper level and to charge with energy for the whole day, it is enough to perform just a few exercises designed for all muscle groups.
CAREEFR.ORG has selected a complete set of exercises for you, for which no additional weight is needed: all you need is some free time and horizontal bars with which any sports ground is provided. So let's go!

1. Begin with the classic strip. Make sure that the back is in a straight position, the head has been lowered, the loin has not flexed. With the stomach inhale. In this position, you need to stay for 60 seconds.

2. We slightly complicate the task. This static exercise is performed on the side. The elbow must necessarily be under the shoulder, whereas the shoulder blades must be pulled down and reduced to form a kind of “pocket”. In this position, you need to hold out a minute.

3. Now lie on your back. You need to lift the body so that the angle between your body and the floor reaches 60 degrees. Rise, lock in this position for at least 60 seconds. If you want to complicate things a little, lift straight legs.

4. Next - a kind of strap, which is performed on the tips of the fingers and toes. Starting to do the exercise, keep your back straight and do not allow sagging in the lower back. Try to stay in this position for 30-60 seconds.

5. Here you will need a horizontal bar: pull yourself up and stay at least 30 seconds. Keep your back straight, belly up to the maximum. The elbows should be in a bent state, and the forearms should be at the same level as the body.

6. The following exercise has two options for performing - both static and classical (the usual lifting of straight legs). Do not let the body swing, keep your back straight. Ensure that the angle between the hips and the body is 90 degrees. Best of all, if you do this exercise you will be on the wall bars. Of course, the horizontal bar will do, but then you will have to carefully observe that the torso does not swing and the legs do not receive any impulses beyond the norm. The static option is very simple - you need to raise your legs and stay in this position for 30-60 seconds.

7. Now go to the vertical push-ups. To do this, you need to be back to the wall, moving away from it by about 1 meter. Upris hands to the floor, and feet - in the wall. Begin climbing your feet on the wall at a slow pace. Continue to rise until a 60-degree angle forms between the body and the legs. Next, start push-ups. The more your body is trained, the more vertical push-ups you will be able to master.

8. This exercise is very similar to the usual "pistol": one leg must be bent at the knee, and the second - to do the most ordinary squats. In case you find it difficult to keep your balance, just stick with one hand to any support.

9. The meaning of this exercise is to make a jump and change legs after each squat in a lunge. The technology of doing the following: do squatting, try to jump out of it as high as possible and immediately change one leg to the other. During landing, carefully observe that the knees are in a half-bent state (landing on straight knees is extremely traumatic!). The jump should be as soft as possible.

10. To perform the last exercise, you will need a low horizontal bar: proceed to deep squats, moving under the bar in one direction or the other. If the optimal height bar could not be found, you can simply do deep squats, imitating transitions under a low crossbar.

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