These 10 Habits Will Help You Become Smarter.
The well-known intelligence formula of neurobiologist Joe Chin (N = 2i - 1, where n is uncertainty, and i is infinite possibilities) is used not to determine the level of IQ, however, to create everybody perceives 2 straightforward things. First, for scientists, the potential of our brain is still a secret. Secondly, intelligence is not the innate quality of a person. It can and must be developed regularly. And make it easier than it seems.
And as the doctor himself says, our intellect is equal to "uncertainty and endless possibilities."
We offer simple but obvious things that will help your brain to work efficiently and clearly.
1. Try to strain the memory
Your brain requires constant training. Therefore, it is necessary to strain it as often as possible. For example, before you go shopping in a supermarket, make a list of products, read it and try to remember it. Also mentally scroll through the head in different departments of the trading floor. Having made all the purchases, standing in line at the cashier, try to calculate the entire amount of the purchased products in your mind. If it coincides with reality, reward yourself with a bonus - buy something tasty for yourself and useful for the brain - for example, a bar of extra-black natural chocolate.2. Feed your brain regularly and correctly
Like the stomach, the brain needs regular and healthy food. However, do not rush to buy and take supplements. There are a large number of simple and affordable products that will benefit your intellect.Enough to enter into your daily diet of 5-6 nuts to improve brain activity or 100-150 g of sea fish (2-3 times a week) for a charge of vivacity and energy. Virtually all types of nuts are useful for the brain: walnuts, pecans (looks very similar to walnuts ), almonds, cashews, hazelnuts. And pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds will improve mental abilities. Nuts and seeds are best consumed raw.
Also, for a quick response and good memory, regular consumption of spinach is necessary. And in the morning it is useful to drink a cup of tea with sage. Still, experts recommend drinking pomegranate juice and adding turmeric to food - they will improve memory, reduce the number of inflammatory processes in the body and prevent Alzheimer's disease.
3. Focus before making important decisions.
According to psychologist Joseph Forgas, negative emotions for mental development are as important as positive ones. Serious people are more analytical and skeptical about solving important problems. However, laughter and good mood - this is a great rest for the brain, unlike depression and sadness.So you can concentrate and frown when thinking about important decisions, and then be sure to relax and smile.
4. Tap your fingers on the table.
In order to make a correct and productive decision of any issue, it is very useful to tap your fingers on any surface for a minute or so. This will help you not to make rash and insurmountable decisions, but to focus and bring all your thoughts in order.When you have the opportunity to listen to any music, try to accompany the melodies to the beat. According to the well-known neurobiologist Theodore Zanto, a sense of rhythm is of great importance in protecting the human brain from aging.
5. Educate others
As the great scientist Albert Einstein said, you need to make sure that you understand what you are talking about. And then try to explain to someone else. In this case, you can achieve a double result: transfer your knowledge to other people and remember the new information yourself.6. Play computer games
As a result of numerous studies, scientists have proven that video games can activate the hidden capabilities of the human brain. In addition, this hobby helps to navigate in the real world. Experts say that people who are 2-3 hours a week in the virtual world, are able to simultaneously monitor a variety of objects and pay attention to all the minor details. And also effectively handle visual information.Such brain training will not pass in vain and will help improve intellectual abilities.
7. Do something with your own hands
Now in the shops of creativity or even in children's departments, you can find a lot of options than to occupy your hands, while loading the brain. For example, you can buy a wooden designer in the form of some cars, equipment or various structures.Another option to train the brain is to assemble a puzzle consisting of a large number of parts. You can also draw. Now everyone can write a beautiful picture using the layout of the picture, which must be painted according to numbers. You don’t even need to have special artistic skills - everyone can do it.
All this is an excellent training of motility, which not only calms the nerves and helps to concentrate but also activates the intellect.
8. Learn to relax and rest.
With all of our employees, while working a little rest is needed. At least every 2 hours you need to be distracted from the main work and rest. This may be a simple exercise or outdoor recreation. And you can just sit on a bench in the nearest square, relax and eat an apple. This way your brain will digest better and will remember the necessary information.American scientist psychologist Adam Grant, being at the TED conference, shared his observations with colleagues. He stated that there is a direct link between procrastination (the habit of postponing important things for later) and the creative abilities of a person. In his opinion, before any responsible work, it is even useful to relax a bit, laze around. Thus, it'll be easier to create any non-standard and accountable selections.
9. Dance
Specialists refer to dancing to one of the best types of therapy. The fact is that it is dancing, aerobics and other rhythmic types of movements that can help both the entire body and the brain. All sorts of exercises to music increase cerebral circulation. This activates the production of the hormone - oxytocin, which, in turn, enhances the work of neurons.And even better to engage in those types of dances that contribute to the development of coordination. They will help you get a quick response, improve concentration and will train your memory.
10. Attend performances, exhibitions, galleries
It is proved that people who love intellectual leisure (go to exhibitions, performances, and concerts) are less susceptible to age-related changes. Their memory is much better, and the level of intelligence is higher than that of people who spend their free time sitting on the TV.The brain is positively affected by all sorts of intellectual loads. It is useful for him to analyze, compare and comprehend.
A pleasant addition is that the pleasure obtained from what he saw or scan.
We hope that these simple and useful tips with their regular observance will help you to better navigate difficult situations and make the right decisions. At the same time, you will give your brain an extra workout and increase your intellect. If you have your secrets in raising IQ, share them in our comments with other readers.
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