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24 May 2019

A simple method of making Aloe Vera regenerating cream

A simple method of making Aloe Vera regenerating cream

A simple method of making Aloe Vera regenerating cream

Aloe vera is a plant widely used because of its excellent composition.

Recently, it is popular to make your own face and body cream. It is also because natural ingredients are much better on the skin. So today I am going to find out how to make a very easy aloe vera regenerating cream.

Aloe vera is a plant widely used because of its excellent composition. For example, it can help to heal acne scars. In addition, it supplies moisture to the skin and helps treat diseases such as eczema.

Where is the recycled cream good?

Regenerating cream can be used in many ways. Among them, acne scars are very difficult to remove and eliminate the acne scars are healing effects are prominent. This problem can be solved with Aloe Vera regenerating cream.

The regenerating cream also makes the facial skin elastic and radiant over time.

These regenerating creams are recommended for use at night because regeneration is done at night. Use of cream enhances regeneration, so you can see a better regenerative effect.

How to make recycled cream with aloe vera

It is a recycled cream made with aloe vera that gives a better result than a commercial cream. Because it is a natural cream, there is no chemical or toxic substance, and it will be much better on your skin. Therefore, sensitive skin can prevent allergic reactions that can occur with the use of a cream.

Ingredients for regenerating cream
3 tablespoons Aloe Vera Gel (45mL)
1 tablespoon of cacao butter (20g)
1 cup of almond oil (250mL)
3 beeswax (45g)
Natural essence oil (to taste)


Cream container
Sealed glass container
** Note: If you do not have Aloe Vera at home, ask your neighbors for a few leafy leaves, or a plant with higher utilization than you think.

How to make recycled cream

The first step in making aloe vera regenerating cream is to cut the leaves into small pieces. If it is cut off, it expels the gel and pulp in the leaves. For this process, it is necessary to divide the leaves in half and scrape through the spoons.
Place the scraped aloe vera pulp in a sealed glass container and add cacao butter and almond oil. Beeswax is also included.
If it is filled tightly, it will be hot. Allow the material to melt and soften for a few minutes.
When the formulation becomes soft, take out the glass container (be careful not to burn) and shake it well.
If you do not like the formula or have lots of granules, you can use a blender to mix well.
When the cream is finished, add a few drops of essential oil to taste. When the cream is still warm, transfer it to the container.
If the cream is cold, store it in the refrigerator. So that the ingredients last longer. Natural creams are shorter than commercial creams because their "shelf life" is shorter.

As you can see, making Aloe Vera regenerating cream is very simple. With only a few ingredients that are not hard to find, you can manage your skin at night with completely natural products.

Now, do you like to make Aloe Vera regenerating cream directly?  Have you ever made a different kind of cream? The satisfaction of making and using cosmetics will not be obvious.

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