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24 May 2019

Reasons to Avoid Processed Foods

Reasons to Avoid Processed Foods

Reasons to Avoid Processed Foods

One of the eight reasons to avoid processed foods is that excessive intake causes inflammation and builds up toxins in the body. In particular, processed foods should be avoided to prevent enteric diseases.
The risk of processed food is no longer a surprise. Consumers have begun to warn of dangers over the past few years, but this is also a matter of decades old. While you may find healthy products at the mart, many of the products displayed contain bad ingredients. Why should we avoid processed foods? Why is it important?

Processed foods can be convenient and delicious, but they contain preservatives and bad chemical additives in the process. In addition,  many processed foods are over-caloric but lack essential nutrients. Let's take a closer look at eight reasons to avoid processed foods.

Risk of processed foods

Processed food refers to all foods that have passed the industrial process. The chemical process makes food taste and texture attractive.
Processed food companies have hinted that processed foods are the fastest way to make food and are the best choice for a satisfying meal, but they hide the fact that artificial compounds and refining processes can lead to bad results for the body.

1. Processed food is addictive

There is no doubt that food companies lie to make more and make more money. There is no restriction on the use of many chemical additives that cause addiction, which consumers continue to choose.

Organic foods provide a sense of satiety in the right way, while processed foods stimulate dopamine to spread to the body, a substance that makes the belly out of proper nutrients.

2. It causes obesity

Obesity is one of the biggest problems in modern public health. Many cases come from heredity. But nowadays, the majority of cases are related to diet and processed food intake.

Processed foods are filled with sugars, saturated fats and simple carbohydrates that allow consumers to accumulate fat. In addition, it contains chemicals that are associated with excess body weight and obesity, such as sodium glutamate and liquid fructose.

3. It affects the pH of the body.

One of the big problems with processed foods is that they do not follow the principles of food and nutrition. It causes the acidification of the blood which makes the health dangers.
By causing an imbalance in the pH of the body, processed foods increase blood toxins and cause inflammation-related diseases.

4. Change digestive flora

The high concentration of acidity induced in processed foods tends to affect the activity of the digestive tract microorganisms. As a result, the probability of the occurrence of digestive diseases or digestive infections is increased.

5. Causes depression and hypersensitivity

Organic foods make you feel better, but processed foods have a negative effect on your mood.  Continued intake of processed foods is associated with depression, anxiety, and irritability.

6. Increase the risk of chronic diseases

Recycled meat and refined foods spread inflammatory substances in the blood, which can cause chronic diseases. By accelerating the process of cell deterioration, processed foods can cause diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and cancer over time.

7. Affects heart health

The cardiovascular system can have serious consequences with the ingestion of processed foods. While many may not care, processed foods are a mixture of bad substances in the heart and blood circulation.

Most refined foods contain saturated fats and excess salts that cause hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. Continued ingestion can lead to arteriosclerosis and heart attack.

8. Zoro

The chemicals found in processed foods are poisons. With the help of excretion, many toxins can be released by urination and sweat.

However, because processed foods are ingested daily, they accumulate toxins in the body. As a result, toxins degrade body cells and promote aging.

Common examples of processed foods
As already mentioned, our surroundings are full of processed foods. You may have already seen why it is important to refrain from eating processed foods.  Common processed foods are as follows.

Recessed and pickled meat
Bread and bakery products
Canned food
Industry fair salad dressing and sauces
Drinks and carbonated drinks
Fried Sweets
Did you know the risk of processed foods? In short, processed foods are very harmful to your body. Adjust to avoid putting it in the diet as much as possible,  and opt for organic food instead.

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