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30 May 2019

Cleaning your teeth may prevent heart attacks and strokes

Cleaning your teeth may prevent heart attacks and strokes

Cleaning your teeth may prevent heart attacks and strokes

Previous studies have shown that people suffering from periodontal disease are more likely to develop heart disease, but what is new in this regard?
NEW YORK ( Reuters Health) - The importance of cleaning teeth is an important component of the prevention of stroke and heart attack, according to a new study.
The researchers conducted a trial using a toothpaste called Plaque HD, which has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, measured by the C-reactive protein count, which is a sign of some heart attacks and strokes.
Previous studies have shown that people with gum disease are more likely to develop heart disease and that oral and dental care can be a risk factor for these diseases. Those who use this paste have been found to have 29% lower levels of inflammation than those who use regular paste.
Professor Charles Hennekens of Florida Atlantic University said he believed the study could have a political impact on millions of people who use certain drugs, such as statins, aspirin and beta blockers, which are key to reducing heart disease.
"It's simple as to what needs to be done and can have a big impact on health with no known side effects."
The study was published in the American Journal of Medicine and in the opening headline, "Can toothpaste reduce heart attacks and strokes?" Dr. Joseph Alpert, a cardiologist, said that " Results and timing.
He recalled his father's advice to his dentist before he began to teach medicine the importance of keeping the teeth clean because they have a strong impact on heart attacks and strokes.

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