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24 May 2019

Fried rice recipes that anyone can easily follow

Fried rice recipes that anyone can easily follow

Fried rice recipes that anyone can easily follow

While it may not be possible to fully implement the flavor of Chinese fried rice, using tips that help create fried rice can bring you closer to perfect taste.
Chinese fried rice has become a very popular food all over the world. Rice can be cooked in a really wide variety of ways, even when making desserts. When making fried rice, it is most important to fry well and keep it properly.  If you do not fry well or do not do liver well, it will not taste original.
But you have to keep in mind what it is best to go to. Fried rice is made with soy sauce, and soy sauce can be said to be a seasoning for almost all oriental foods. When you make fried rice, you have to put soy sauce to taste its unique taste. Adding soy sauce makes it easy, simple and savor without cost. 

Roasted food in oil

Fried rice is not considered to be nutritionally rich. However, it is not classified as food or bad food that should not be eaten.
In fact, the most important thing is eating habits and lifestyle. And eating is not everything. It is a bad habit to sit and live for a long time eating foods that contain high amounts of fat, cholesterol, and carbohydrates.
Stir to the oil Eating the food itself is no problem. You can eat anything you want to eat, but you should eat as few as possible.

Fried rice that anyone can easily make

Required Materials

1 1/2 cup of white rice (180 g)
2 cups of water (500 ml)
Extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons (30 ml)
1 tablespoon salt (15 g)
One large carrot
Soy sauce 3 tablespoons (45 ml)
One large onion
Two leaks
A black pepper pinch

How To Make

  • There must be a microwave oven. If you have a microwave oven, you can make it much faster.
  • Put water, salt and olive oil in a heat-resistant bowl. 
  • Place No. 2 in the microwave oven and turn it to the highest temperature for 90 seconds. 
  • Take out warm water with microwave and put washed rice. Turn to the highest temperature for 10 more minutes.
  • While cooking, cut carrots, onions, and leeks into small pieces.
  • Put the olive oil in the pan and put all the vegetables. 
  • Fried vegetables. It does not burn when it continues to stir, and the taste and the fragrance of vegetables do not disappear.
  • Put soy sauce and fry more.
  • When the rice is finished, put it in the pan, add the oil and soy sauce, and fry it again.
  • The rice should not clump, and all the ingredients should mix well. I taste a few minutes later. If the liver as well, it is complete.
  • Turn off the fire and sprinkle pepper.
  • eat deliciously!

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