Natural remedy to protect hair
With shiny and healthy hair, we care about scalp and hair care throughout the year. To create a healthy, shiny hair, you need to know how to protect your hair from the intense sun .
Preparing for ultraviolet exposure when going out is a very healthy measure to prevent the side effects of free radicals. When the hair is oxidized, the hair color and gloss disappear and the hair ends. To create a healthy hair, let's take full advantage of some of the ways we introduce you now.
Problems caused by neglecting hair management
There is a saying that the completion of the face is the head. The head is also an important tool for expressing your personality. Therefore, hair should always be managed and care should be taken not to cause side effects, especially due to UV exposure.
Those who have been neglected in managing hair often complain that their hair is too dry and the ends are cracked . The way to trim hair that is spiky like a frayed tip is not just to cut the ends, to pay expensive money, and to get care from the shop.
Natural remedies and tips to protect your hair
1. Tangerine jojoba oil
The best way to manage hair from ultraviolet light is to prevent hair from being damaged in the first place. So let's manage the hair with a capillary protection agent made from two natural ingredients.
Jojoba oil nourishes the hair. Also, the texture is similar to sebum and the hair does not look too greasy. In addition to spicy flavor, mandarin orange adds radiance to hair and rejuvenates fibrin.
4 tablespoons of jojoba oil (60mL)
10 drops of natural tangerine essential oil
how to make
Mix well with jojoba oil and tangerine essential oil.
Put in a spray bottle. A half cup (100 mL) of water may be used to evenly spray the hair.
If you do not have a spray bottle, you can use it in a bottle. Just put a small amount on the palm of your hand and put your fingers all over your head.
2. Writing hat to protect hair
The easiest and most practical way to protect your hair from ultraviolet light is wearing a hat or putting on a scarf. You can save your style with countless unique hats.
When you go out, hiding in a mountain or mountain can be a good alternative. Even if you use an umbrella, you will not be able to block ultraviolet rays completely, but you can reduce the amount of ultraviolet exposure much more than just going out.
In addition, it is necessary to consider going out in consideration of time zone. At noon UV rays are much stronger.
3. Watch out for water
The only thing to watch out for is the sun's ultraviolet rays. Be sure to keep in mind that water can be harmful to your hair if it is in the pool or in the ocean. If you are in the water on a sunny day, your hair breaks. It is therefore advisable to avoid getting your head damped too often.
After swimming , rinse and rinse with clean water. Removing salt, chlorine, or other ingredients from your hair can prevent damage from getting worse.
4. Pre-Shampoo Homemade Mask Pack
If you come home after going out, it is good to give a homemade mask pack before shampooing. A mask pack will absorb the nutrients much better.
Egg yolk
2 tablespoons olive oil (30mL)
1 tablespoon lemon juice (15mL)
How to use
Put all the ingredients in a bowl. Adding one or two spoons of water makes it easy to apply to the hair.
Apply the mask pack evenly over the dry head and wait for 30 minutes.
Close your head as usual.
5. Natural shampoo cream to protect hair
The last way to prevent ultraviolet light that will dry capillaries is to look at the shampoo that you use. It is desirable to use natural shampoos made of natural ingredients. A good example of natural ingredients for hair are aloe vera, coconut or coconut oil, vegetable extracts, and plant essences.
The main ingredients of shampoos used for dry hair are usually sulphates and alcohols. Carefully reading the shampoo ingredients table will help you pick good shampoo for your hair. It is also recommended to use a functional shampoo type for dry and damaged hair in too glaring weather.
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