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09 May 2020

11:08 PM

Tips for losing weight, including drinking coffee

Tips for losing weight, including drinking coffee

Obesity is one of the problems that some suffer from and causes a lot of health diseases such as heart diseases, so many seek to get rid of excess weight from the body, but sometimes to no avail, so we learn in the next lines, the most important advice that must be followed to get rid of excess weight from the body, according to the site " Healthline ".

  • Drink water before meals 

 It is recommended to drink water before eating a meal, as the water boosts metabolism by 24-30% over a period of 1 to 1.5 hours, which helps to burn a few calories.

  • Eat eggs for breakfast

Studies show that eating eggs at breakfast can help lose excess weight from the body, because it makes you feel full, in addition to eggs being one of the sources of protein.

  • Drinking coffee

Coffee contains antioxidants that provide the body with many health benefits, including enhancing metabolism by 3-11% and increasing fat burning by up to 10-29%.

 Drink green tea

Green tea helps you lose extra body weight, as it contains powerful antioxidants that burn fat.

  •  Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a common nutritional pattern in which a person travels between periods of fasting and eating, and studies indicate that intermittent fasting is effective in losing weight such as continuous caloric restriction. In addition, it may reduce muscle loss usually associated with low-calorie diets.

  • Reducing added sugar

Added sugar is one of the worst ingredients in the modern diet, and causes weight gain. It also causes diabetes of the second type and heart disease, so it is advised to reduce its intake.

  • Reducing refined carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates include sugar and grains, which cause weight gain, so it is advised to reduce their percentage of food.

  • Eat spicy foods

Hot pepper is one of the vegetables that boost metabolism and reduce appetite, so it is recommended to eat it with meals.

  • Lift weights

Studies show that weightlifting can help maintain an increased metabolism and prevent the loss of precious muscle mass, as well as help, lose body fat.

  • Eat more vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits help you lose extra body weight because they contain low calories but a lot of dietary fiber.

Chew food slowly

Some studies have shown that slow chewing can help you get fewer calories and increase the production of hormones associated with weight loss.

  • Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep and eating healthy food while exercising can help reduce excess body weight.

06 June 2019

11:29 PM

Recipes to get rid of dead skin cells

Recipes to get rid of dead skin cells

These home remedies can assist you to induce eliminate dead skin cells.

The skin should be rid of dead skin cells to help move the new skin cells from the lower layers of the skin to the upper layer. Here are effective recipes for that.

The skin works as a protective barrier between the body and the various external elements. The body makes new skin cells all the time and disposes of the old cells.

The importance of getting rid of dead skin cells
The importance of getting rid of dead skin cells is to allow new living cells to move from the lower layers of the skin to the upper layer.

This continuous renewal keeps the skin young, soft and bright.
As the age increases, the skin renewal cycle becomes slow, leading to the accumulation of dead skin cells on the outer layer, causing the appearance of impurities and lines on the skin.

Then the skin needs recipes to get rid of these dead cells.

Recipes to get rid of dead skin cells
To get rid of dead skin cells, one of the following recipes can be applied:

1. Oats

Oatmeal can be used as a natural skin peeler and is suitable for all skin types. Oats contain natural disinfectants called soap, and help remove dirt and oils from the pores, making the skin soft and free of dead skin.

In addition, oatmeal contains vitamins and minerals useful for the skin, prevents the protein in the loss of water, and thus ensures the maintenance of moisture for longer.

To prepare the recipe, mix two tablespoons of oatmeal with two tablespoons of yogurt and a tablespoon of white honey, then apply to the skin with rubbing in circular movements to get rid of dead skin cells.

Leave the mixture on the skin for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Another option is to mix two tablespoons of oatmeal, two small tablespoons of honey, two teaspoons of lemon juice, and a little water to make a paste, rub gently on the skin, leave for 10 minutes and rinse.

This recipe is used once every two times a week and can be applied throughout the body.

2. Sugar and olive oil

One of the most effective recipes for exfoliating skin and getting rid of dead cells is sugar and olive oil.

Sugar helps remove dead cells very much. Olive oil works as a moisturizer for the skin. This recipe can be applied to all parts of the skin, including lips.

To prepare this recipe, mix half a cup of sugar with two tablespoons to three tablespoons of olive oil, and add a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice.

Apply this mixture to the skin and rub it in circular movements for a few minutes, then rinse with cool water and gently dry the skin.

This peeler is used once or twice a week.

3. Green tea bags used

If you drink green tea that is good for health, its bags can be used to make a wonderful skin peeler.

Green tea helps to remove dead skin cells, rid the skin of dirt and impurities, and enhance skin elasticity.

Green tea also has anti-inflammatory properties and helps smooth and glow the skin.

To make this recipe, take the contents of 1 or 2 green tea bags and add 2 to 3 tablespoons of honey to it, and add a tablespoon of baking soda.

Mix ingredients well to make a thick dough, apply to different parts of the skin, and leave for 10 minutes.

The mask is rubbed using wet fingers, and this is once a week.

4. Coffee

Coffee is an ideal option for getting rid of dead skin cells, it supports the production of new cells, and helps the flavanol compounds found in the coffee to improve skin texture and repair damaged skin.

Three tablespoons of coffee are mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil or almond oil, a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of soft sugar.

Apply the paste to the face, neck, knees, and elbows, massage gently in circular movements, leave on these areas for 5 to 10 minutes, rinse with warm water and gently dry the skin.

This recipe is used once a week.

5 - ground almonds

Almonds contain antioxidant vitamins and contain healthy fats that help maintain youthful skin.

The coarse nature of the almonds will help rid the dead skin cells.

To prepare the recipe, almonds are soaked in milk for a whole night, then crushed and ground, and added to white honey.

Apply the dough to the face and neck, rub it in circular motions for a few minutes, then leave it to dry on the skin for 10 to 15 minutes.

Rinse skin with lukewarm water, and use this mixture two to three times a week.

6-orange peel

After eating the orange, do not get rid of the crusts, but dry the crusts in the sunlight for a few days, and then grind to become a powder can be used in skin peeling and help remove dirt and dead skin cells.

Orange peel also contains antioxidants and vitamin C to regenerate skin cells.

To make the dough, mix equal amounts of orange peel and milk powder into a soft paste and apply to face and neck for 15 to 20 minutes.

Rub the dough with wet fingers in circular motions for a few minutes, then rinse with water.

This recipe is repeated once a week.

30 May 2019

8:30 PM

Cleaning your teeth may prevent heart attacks and strokes

Cleaning your teeth may prevent heart attacks and strokes

Cleaning your teeth may prevent heart attacks and strokes

Previous studies have shown that people suffering from periodontal disease are more likely to develop heart disease, but what is new in this regard?
NEW YORK ( Reuters Health) - The importance of cleaning teeth is an important component of the prevention of stroke and heart attack, according to a new study.
The researchers conducted a trial using a toothpaste called Plaque HD, which has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, measured by the C-reactive protein count, which is a sign of some heart attacks and strokes.
Previous studies have shown that people with gum disease are more likely to develop heart disease and that oral and dental care can be a risk factor for these diseases. Those who use this paste have been found to have 29% lower levels of inflammation than those who use regular paste.
Professor Charles Hennekens of Florida Atlantic University said he believed the study could have a political impact on millions of people who use certain drugs, such as statins, aspirin and beta blockers, which are key to reducing heart disease.
"It's simple as to what needs to be done and can have a big impact on health with no known side effects."
The study was published in the American Journal of Medicine and in the opening headline, "Can toothpaste reduce heart attacks and strokes?" Dr. Joseph Alpert, a cardiologist, said that " Results and timing.
He recalled his father's advice to his dentist before he began to teach medicine the importance of keeping the teeth clean because they have a strong impact on heart attacks and strokes.
8:23 PM

Things to do during the period

Things to do during the period

Things to do during the period

A woman should do some things during the period of the menstrual cycle, which helps reduce the feeling of her symptoms and common pains, which affect her mental state.

During the period of the menstrual cycle, women refrain from some undesirable habits, in contrast, there are some things that are recommended for women during this period.

Learn about the most important things that make your period better and more fun.

1. Keep warm

It is recommended to keep the body warm during the menstrual cycle, this helps to relax and prevent painful cramping.
It is also a way to reduce stress and feel comfortable.

Warming can be maintained by eating warm drinks, in addition to warm water compresses on the abdomen and back, and can use warm pillows that reduce pain.

2 - Eat foods rich in magnesium

Magnesium helps to relax muscles, thus relieving menstrual cramps, as it reduces the feeling of headache and headache, as well as eliminates bloating and fluid retention.

Foods that contain magnesium include soybeans, oatmeal, corn, fish, spinach, and bananas.

3. Continue the movement

Strong exercise is not desirable during the menstrual cycle, but that does not mean staying in bed all the time. It is important to improve blood flow and relieve pain.

Relaxing exercises such as yoga and walking are recommended.

4. Avoid dairy products

Dairy products increase the levels of hormones that increase uterine constriction during the menstrual cycle, thus increasing convulsions.

It is therefore recommended to reduce the intake of dairy products or stop taking them completely during the period of the menstrual cycle.

5. Drink mulberry tea tea

The mulberry leaf tea is the best warm drink for the menstrual period. It contains vitamins and minerals that are important for promoting women's health. It also contributes to strengthening the uterus and reducing pain and convulsions.

Mulberry tea is also an important magnesium-rich beverage during this period.

6. Monitor your menstrual cycle

This helps to reassure your health, as the regularity of the menstrual cycle reassures you of your sexual health and levels of hormones.

The extent and duration of their prolapse can indicate some health problems that need to be consulted by a doctor.

7. Drink plenty of water

When the feeling of bloating increases, it is recommended to drink more water, as it is easy to get rid of the fluid accumulated in the body.

It is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily during the period of the menstrual cycle, in order to maintain the body's moisture and rid of toxins.

Eat healthy foods

When you eat healthy foods during menstruation, especially vegetables and fruits, this helps to reduce the symptoms of the annoying menstrual cycle.

Unlike unhealthy foods such as salads, fast food, salty foods, and sweets, which increase bad symptoms, they cause difficulties in digestion and increase stomach pain.

Avoid caffeine

Caffeine causes the body to retain water and accumulated fluid, which increases the feeling of bloating, so it is advisable to give up these drinks during the period of the menstrual cycle.

Caffeine drinks can be replaced with warm herbs that help reduce pain and bloating.

29 May 2019

9:45 PM

Best Acne Treatment For 10 Year Old - What Is Acne - Syndrome - Causes And Risk Factors - The Cure - Protection

Best Acne Treatment For 10 Year Old

Participatechirp Acne, acne treatment, acne causes, acne


What are acne


 Causes and risk factors

 care protection

Acne, acne, or pimples, regardless of label, maybe a daily irritant. The healing of acne is slowly. As soon as they begin to disappear until others appear, they are waiting.

This endless and endless battle is often repeated in a tired and despairing way.

Hormones are likely to play a major role in the appearance of acne and make it an irritant for young people in particular. However, people of all age groups may suffer from acne.

Some women may also experience mild acne at different stages of hormonal changes, such as pregnancy, menstrual cycle, when using anti-pregnancy pills or when they stop taking them.

Symptoms of acne

Acne (acne) appears on the skin surface of the face, neck, chest, back, and shoulders. These are the areas of the skin that contain the largest number of active sebaceous glands.

Acne appears in various forms, such as:

White or blackheads (comedones): These headers appear when the follicles contain follicles (follicles) follicle, resulting from milky secretions, dead skin cells or bacteria. When the heads are open to the surface of the skin called blackheads, the black color of the material collected in the hair follicle. When these heads are closed, they are called whiteheads, which originate from the surface of the skin and appear as bumps in the color of the skin.

Tares: pimples tipped black outcrops on the surface of the skin is considered an indicator of inflammation or contamination of the follicles (follicles) hair. They are usually red and painful.
Swollen swelling: It is red, dark and painful, and also has a white, inflamed head on the edges.
Masses: Large, painful, painful bulges are formed under the surface of the skin, resulting from the accumulation of secretions deep in the hair follicle.
Cysts (Cyst): vesicles (cysts) painful pus-filled, made up under the surface of the skin. Inflammation of this type may leave scarring.

Causes and risk factors for acne

There are three reasons why acne may help:

Excess production of sebum (sebum)
Irregular leakage of dead skin cells causes hair follicles to be alerted to the skin
Accumulation of germs.
The count appears when the hair follicle is clogged with a milky syringe and dead cells. Each bulb is connected to a milky gland. This gland excretes a fatty substance called sebum, whose function is to lubricate hair and skin.

In general, the milky juice moves out along the hair shaft until it reaches the surface of the skin. When the body secretes excess amounts of milky juice and dead skin cells, they may all accumulate in hair follicles to form a soft blockage.

This obstruction may cause a bulge in the wall of the hair follicle, leading to a white head. The blockage may make its way out of the surface of the skin, making it black and black.

Pimples are red spots that come from the surface of the skin, and white in the center, formed as a result of contamination of the blockage mentioned in the capillary channels, and then inflammation.

The deeper and deeper hair follicles and infections cause the formation of subcutaneous swelling called cysts.

Other pores in the skin, which are glands of sweat glands, do not contribute to the general appearance of acne.

Contrary to what is commonly known, nutrition has little effect on acne, nor does it appear from pollution. In addition, excessive skin scaling or washing with lotions, lotions and chemicals may increase the condition of pimples worse by stimulating and alerting the skin significantly.

Hormonal changes

 Hormonal changes in the body, too, play a role in the appearance or exacerbation of acne. These changes are particularly common in:

Young, male and female alike
Young women or women two days before - a week of the emergence of habit
pregnant women
People taking certain medications, especially cortisone.

Other risk factors

Other risk factors include:

The skin is exposed directly to the skin to fatty substances or to certain cosmetic preparations
Previous cases of acne in the family. If parents suffer from the appearance of acne, children are likely to suffer from them as well
Friction or pressure on the skin due to the use of landlines or stretchers, head helmet, collar or backpack.

Acne Treatment

The treatment of acne depends on the reduction of the production of milky syrup and lipids, increased frequency of skin regeneration, treatment of bacterial contamination, reduction of inflammation or the combination of these four compounds.

Period of acne treatment

Treatment of acne in young people or adults may range from a few months or a few years until full recovery. The impact of skin condition is expounded to the extent of its unfold and severity, because it could generate psychological distress and will even result in scarring on the surface of the skin and so we want to treat the results of skin condition.

Fortunately, there is an effective treatment for acne, either by the dermatologist or independently. Treatment of acne in mild cases of acne (acne) is generally, by simple means, such as cleaning the skin daily by a mild detergent and the use of ointment does not require a prescription. In severe cases, general acne treatment depends on one or more medications that can be obtained only and medically. Some preventive measures will help maintain the skin and protect against the re-emergence of acne.

Acne treatment methods

All types of acne treatments do not produce immediate results, but the results start to appear after 4 to 8 weeks, so the situation may get worse in certain cases before the improvement.

A family doctor or a dermatologist may recommend treatment with medical acne, either on the surface of the skin (topical treatment) or swallowing (oral medication). The use of oral prescription drugs is prohibited during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Different treatments for acne also include:

1- Topical treatments

Acne and acne treatments and emulsions work to dry the milky juice and oils, eliminate germs, and stimulate dead skin cells. Non-prescription preparations are generally soft and contain active substances such as benzoyl peroxide, sulfate, resorcinol, salicylic acid, and lactic acid. These substances are effective when pimples are mild.

2- Medications

If the pimples do not respond to these treatments, it is advisable to go to your family doctor or dermatologist for a prescription for more effective dandruff or emulsifiers. Retinol and Odpelln acid are two forms of drugs for the treatment of topical, produced on the basis of the vitamin (a ).

These drugs are used to stimulate cell regeneration and prevent blockage in the hair follicle. In addition, certain drugs mimic the effectiveness of antibiotics used for topical treatment. These drugs work to eliminate germs on the surface of the skin. For best results, the processor may need to combine more than one drug at the same time, such as:
  • Antibiotics
  • Isotretinoin
  • Preventive measures are taken orally
  • Laser acne treatment
  • Cosmetic treatments: Peeling skin with chemicals or cold / microdermabrasion - may be effective for acne treatment.
Your doctor can follow certain procedures to treat and reduce scarring caused by acne, including:
  • Fill soft tissue
  • Deformed skin peeling
  • Dermis - a layer of skin located directly under the skin)
  • Laser therapy, light source, and treatment by radio waves
  • Skin surgery.

Prevention of acne

Even in the recovery or disappearance of pimples, it may be necessary to continue treatment or any other treatment, in order to prevent a recurrence.
In some cases, it may be necessary to continue topical drug treatment in places where it is possible to develop pimples.
The use of preventive means or continuation of phototherapy should be maintained to protect the skin and keep it free from counting. Talk to your doctor about prevention methods that prevent pimples from reappearing.
You can forestall the looks of the count once more by following the means that of home, such as washing and cleaning the skin with a mild cleaning product, and of course should refrain from touching and rubbing areas affected by the count.

Tips To Avoid Back Acne

  1. There area unit extra ways to stop the return of skin condition (acne) including:
  2. Wash vulnerable areas twice a day
  3. The use of anti-acne medicines can be purchased without a prescription, in order to dry the surplus of the milky juice in the skin.
  4. Avoid using makeup often
  5. Remove these powders before bedtime
  6. Wear wide covering that's not adhered to the skin
  7. Take a shower once exercise or different physical activities.
9:12 PM

Natural Recipes To Protect The Skin From Diseases Of The Spring

Natural Recipes To Protect The Skin From Diseases Of The Spring

Natural Recipes To Protect The Skin From Diseases Of The Spring

Skin needs special attention in the spring season to prevent them from health problems and diseases that can be caused by fluctuations in air and dust.

Spring season is mild weather, not as hot as summer or as cold as winter.

But at the same time, dust and dust are increasing in the air, and many viruses are spread, affecting the health and freshness of the skin, causing many health problems.

Therefore, you should follow some tips that help protect the skin from the diseases of spring, as well as the application of a range of natural recipes and prevention.
Skin care tips in the spring
Here are the most important tips to help prevent skin problems and diseases:

1. Clean the skin well

Excessive washing of the skin during the winter season can lead to dehydration, but it is different in the spring season , so the skin needs a deep cleaning so as not to permeate the dust and bacteria inside the pores.

And cause the appearance of skin and grain defects and the occurrence of infections and irritations.

It is essential that you clean your skin well using a medical lotion suitable for your skin type, especially before bedtime.

You should not leave makeup on the face for long periods in the spring season and must be rid of makeup well before bed.

2 - Peeling skin once a week

After the winter season has exhausted the skin, you should help it get rid of the dead skin and moisturize it with weekly peeling.

Preferably use a natural skin peeling product such as brown sugar, it will be better than preparations containing harmful chemical compounds.

When peeling, treat the skin gently and do not rub it strongly so as not to cause serious side effects.

3-moisturizing the skin

Every season, the skin needs to be moisturized, and this is through moisturizing creams and natural recipes to moisturize the skin as well as drink plenty of water and eating healthy foods.

Fruits that contain large amounts of water help moisturize the skin, such as watermelon and pineapple.

This moisturizer will guarantee you flawless skin with a tight and shiny appearance.

Do not neglect the area around the eye, as it needs to moisturize also to maintain the elasticity of the skin and prevent the signs of premature aging.

4. Protect the skin from sunlight

Exposure to sunlight is very harmful to health, especially in the afternoon, when the sun is at its most extreme.

All possible methods should be used to protect the skin from these harmful rays , whether through the sun visor or wearing a hat and sunglasses.

It is preferable not to walk for long periods of time in the street during the period when the sun rises.

Natural recipes to protect the skin from diseases of the spring

Now we will tell you a range of natural recipes that ensure you a clean and problem-free skin during the spring season:

1-Mask of eggs and honey

This mask helps to eliminate dead skin cells as well as restore the skin to lighten and shine, and eliminate any fungi and bacteria that try to harm them.

Mix the egg with a tablespoon of white honey and a large spoon of acid cream, apply the mask on the face and neck, and leave for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinsed with lukewarm water.

2. Carrot and milk mask

For oily skin, this mask will be ideal in the spring season, helping to rid the skin of impurities and reduce the chances of clogged pores due to dust and dust in the air.

The mask consists of 2 tablespoons fresh carrot juice, and 2 tablespoons of powdered milk.

Mix the previous mixture until you get a soft dough, then apply to the skin clean for 10 to 15 minutes, and then washed with lukewarm water.

3-lotion cleansing lotion

Skin needs cleansing and deep cleansing in the spring season. Lactose can be used in this task, helping to soothe the skin from harmful weather conditions.

It also contains vitamins, sulfur, silicon, and phosphorus, all of which contribute to the prevention of skin diseases.

You will need half a head of lettuce, 4 cups of water, and 1/8 teaspoon of benzoin "available in pharmacies".

To prepare the recipe, put the lettuce and water in a saucepan and leave until boiling, then reduce the fire and leave for an hour on low heat.

Remove the pot from the fire and let it cool down, then remove it and take the water and then add the benzoin to blend well.

Put the mixture in a clean bottle, and use it to clean your skin morning and evening.

4-Toner rose water

This helps to remove excess oils from the skin as well as get rid of dirt in depth, which is increased by dust in the spring season.

It consists of: a tablespoon of dried rose petals, a cup of white vinegar, and a half cup of rose water.

The rose and vinegar petals are mixed together and left in a bottle for two weeks, then filtered and added to the rose water, and the face is sprayed to clean it deeply.

28 May 2019

10:02 PM

Children under 2 years should not use electronic devices

Children under 2 years should not use electronic devices

Children under 2 years should not use electronic devices

Do you give your little iPad to watch videos? If you need to know the new recommendations on the subject.

The World Health Organization (WHO) warned against using children for different screens, noting that children under two years of age should not use any of these devices.

The use of children to these devices contributed to raising the rates of obesity among them, and also affected the brain growth of them negatively and reduced their mental health.

She noted that it is essential that children of these age activities that contribute to the development of mental and cognitive abilities of their own, such as that parents read some stories to them.

WHO confirmed the following new recommendations:

Children under the year:

 They should not use electronic devices at all

Children between 2-4 years: 

The use of these devices should not exceed one hour per day.
In the new recommendations published in Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior and Sleep for Children under Five Years of Age, these screens negatively affect the children's minds, especially if they are unattended.

A recent Canadian study by the University of Alberta found that two or more hours of use of electronic devices by children could lead to behavioral problems.

The authors of the study note that children who have spent a long time on these screens developed the following behaviors:

Bad behavior with the surroundings
Symptoms similar to attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity
Lack of brain capacity.