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19 May 2019

8 tips for a healthy and tasty breakfast

8 tips for a healthy and tasty breakfast

  • A refreshing breakfast

First, it is important to remember that breakfast should account for 25% to 30% of the daily calorie intake. It is important to eat foods that are rich in essential nutrients and vitamins.

  • Prepare breakfast

Even if you do not have time to prepare a good breakfast, do not stop with cookies and simple cars. There is a way to have a healthy and delicious breakfast without investing a lot of time. For example, eat a bowl of greek yogurt with fruit and nuts, wholemeal toast with spinach, eggs, and turkey ham.

  • Breakfast prepared at home

Sometimes you need to eat out, or it can be thought of as the best choice. However, preparing breakfast at home is a way to save money and reduce calorie intake. In addition, by preparing breakfast at home, we can make exactly what we want, and we know exactly what ingredients have been introduced.

  • Time to have breakfast
Breakfast is also important for your health. Let's keep in mind that you should not be starving for too long. The most ideal breakfast is to eat within 30 minutes, and up to 1 hour after it occurs. If you eat after this time, your hunger will get worse and eat more than you need.

  • Carbohydrates at breakfast

A recent study found that people who consume carbohydrates in the morning could consume fewer calories per day and thus lose weight better. But that does not mean eating a cake for breakfast or eating foods with high-fat content.

The study recommends that you take muesli, oats, whole wheat cereal, whole wheat bread, fruits, vegetables, and other specific carbohydrates with a lot of other important benefits.

  • Protein at breakfast

One of the nutrients that should not be left out of a healthy breakfast is protein. Proteins provide a feeling of satiety and provide important amino acids at the same time.

In addition, protein helps the growth and maintenance of body tissues and is a major component of enzymes and antibodies necessary for digestion.

These proteins can be taken from dairy products such as yogurt, milk, cheese, eggs, and lean meat.

  • Fat at breakfast

Many people may think that eating the fat in the morning is not good for the health, but in fact, the body needs a moderate amount of "healthy" fat to work at the optimum level.

This type of fat should be of good quality and should not be consumed with pastries, fried foods or cookies filled with trans fat.

Instead, you should consume fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds.

  • Fiber in breakfast

Finally, the nutrients you should not forget about breakfast are fiber.

Fibers promote digestion, are good for cardiac health, and are essential for maintaining a healthy weight.

This nutrient provides a feeling of satiety for a long time and prevents excessive calorie intake. Among the foods rich in fiber, the following foods are recommended.

oatRaw sugarspinachasparagusbeatSunflower seedalmondpistachioWalnutApplepeachWhole wheat bread

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