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25 May 2019

Tips To Help You Stay Young

Tips To Help You Stay Young

Tips To Help You Stay Young

To prevent premature aging of vital organs and keep youth longer, we offer you a number of useful and accessible recommendations.

Hundreds of years ago, the life expectancy of people was much longer than that of modern man. This is influenced by the rapid pace of life in a state of constant stress, and unhealthy diet, and bad habits that can adversely affect the human body and longevity. 

And of course, first of all, the brain suffers. With age, it becomes more difficult to fulfill its functions. The risk of such a serious illness as Alzheimer's disease increases. 

To avoid this, to prevent premature aging of vital organs and to keep youth longer, we offer you a number of useful and accessible recommendations.

1. Change your diet

It is known that a healthy diet is useful not only for appearance and well-being but also for brain activity. First of all, change your habits. For example, replace morning coffee with green tea. This refreshing drink contains less caffeine and is rich in antioxidants, which have a beneficial effect on brain cells.
Let your daily diet for 40-50% consists of vegetables, herbs, and fruits. Try to minimize the use of salted, fried and smoked food. Of course, it is not necessary to always have salads and cereals. Dietitians have come to the conclusion that the Mediterranean diet, which is very rich in vegetables, fruits, fish, seafood and olive oil, promotes the healing of brain cells and preserving a clear mind. And do not forget to eat any nuts.

2. Exercise regularly

Physical activity (running, gymnastics, walking and cycling, swimming) is necessary not only to look better and lose weight. It also has a beneficial effect on brain activity. It has been proven that active people do a better job with psychological tests, in which you have to quickly switch from one task to another.
Aerobic exercise increases blood circulation, improves memory, and also stimulates the development of new brain cells. At the same time, new neural connections appear. Any physical activity can replace the dose of antidepressants. It helps to cope with depression and stress. Experts strongly advise engaging in any sport at least one and a half hours a week (approximately 20 minutes a day). It is necessary to maintain your health and longevity.

3. Train your memory and expand your horizons.

In order for your brain to remain young, it is necessary to load it with all sorts of tasks and tests. The fact is that the human brain is capable of changing. You can always change your lifestyle if you wish, give up bad habits. This property of the human brain is called neuroplasticity. Any mental load will help preserve the plasticity of the brain, as it contributes to the formation of new neural connections.
It is very useful to study any foreign language, play musical instruments, draw, as well as retell a reading book or watched a movie. Thus, in addition to training the brain, you also expand your horizons.

4. Try to get enough sleep

During sleep, not only the recovery of all organs occurs, but also the process of cleansing the brain. And for this, you need to sleep 7-9 hours.
The fact is that during sleep, the lymphatic system cleanses the brain of neurotoxins, as well as beta-amyloid and tau protein, which causes Alzheimer's disease. Also in the dream process of cleansing the brain from alpha-synuclein. The accumulation of this substance leads to Parkinson's disease.

5. Lead an active social life

It is known that man is a social being. However, with age, people begin to communicate less with each other. Some people lead a lonely lifestyle, they are more withdrawn and suspicious, more often waiting for threats from strangers. Due to the fact that their brains wean off communication, strangers are perceived as a kind of danger. But not only communication with relatives and friends, but also new acquaintances contribute to strengthening cognitive health. For those people who stop getting to know each other and communicate less, their mental abilities are reduced by 70% compared with more sociable people.

Psychologists recommend spending more time with your family, friends and maintaining new acquaintances throughout your life. Also, do what you love and learn something new. In this case, you will always have a good memory and a clear mind. 

It is impossible to dispute the fact that we all want to preserve youth as long as possible. And, as you now see, it is important to take care of the health of your brain. Share in the comments, was this article helpful, and what helps you to feel younger?

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